Friday, November 26, 2010

Mi Casa es Tu Casa- (My home is your home)

SESSION 13: Community Development & Housing Policies

·         What you think is being done about poverty (e.g., current policies and programs in the United States and globally).

The lack of substantial governmental projects to provide affordable housing is one of the main contributors of poverty.  The minimum wage salary is an inadequate reflector of the cost of living because it is simply not enough to cover the expenses the average individual has to pay if he or she intends to have a decent life.  It is logical to assume that private corporations will not lose profits in order to help society since the goal of for-profit corporations is to maximize profits. Therefore, it is up to the government and private individuals to aid those who cannot afford the ridiculously high prices of the housing sector. The Housing Act of 1937 was the first federal piece of legislation that recognized the need to eradicate slums and create decent housing for low-income families. Then the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 created the Community Development Block Grant Program, which provides metropolitan cities with grants that serve to spread the creation of affordable housing and improve the facilities of already existing housing projects.  Despite the government’s efforts to provide affordable housing to low and moderate income families their success eventually reached a stagnant point, meaning it was time for the private sector to get involved. The Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 produced block grants for state and local governments.  In other words, the Home Investment Partnerships, Self-Help Homeownership (SHOP), and Homeownership Zone facilitate the transition of federal resources to local governments to support the development of affordable housing. This legislation designated two programs called HOME and HOPE.  HOME IV offers sophisticated, mix-income housing facilities, however, unemployment, lack of healthcare, and low levels of education are among the factors that challenge those who are trying to overcome poverty. There are more than 13,000 public housing developments in the United States- residents pay 30% of adjusted income. The largest federal housing assistance program are Section 8 Vouchers which allows the tenants to remain on their property paying a rent value equal to 30% of their income while the Housing Authority subsidizes the gap between their income and the fair market price for the property.  The Atlanta Housing Authority has been very active and successful in their quest to eliminate the ghettos.  By 2010, the last three major complexes will be closed (AJC). By eliminated the slums the Housing Authority is helping the children of these impoverished families because the context in which they are being raised will be a great determining force in the adults they will become. George Galster claimed in his publication, Do Neighborhoods matter?, that the best way to decrease poverty is to achieve a 10 percent or less poverty rate in any given neighborhood. Sadly, vouchers lack funding meaning that only 1 in 3 families who are eligible actually receive the benefit.  On the other hand,   Community Development Corporations are important community organizers and builders who are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to decent housing.

·         How well you think poverty is being addressed currently in the United States and globally.

The fact that the nonprofit sector is taking initiatives to alleviate poverty is a very positive social phenomenon. Programs such as the MVI of Philadelphia and the Palm Beach Country Community Development demonstrate that there are many individuals committed to creating progressive communities.  These volunteers often go unaccredited for their charity but they know that they are working hard to make a significant impact in the life of someone.  I used to think poverty was not being addressed at all but now I know that there are numerous individuals out there fighting a war against poverty, the only problem is that they are in desperate need of more soldiers.

1 comment:

  1. Similar to you, I had no idea that poverty was being addressed so frequently in the world. I was blown away with all of these housing programs that have been implemented to use subsize federal homes as well as dispering poor populations into adequate neighborhoods. All we need is more volunteers to help these programs stay open. Although it is sad the the voucher system can only help 1 in 3 families, I think that the program is awesome for providing affordable rent. I also do not necessarily think that it is the governments job to find a home for each and every U.S. citizen. So I am very pleased with learning about these numerous programs. Great blog posting! :)
